Latin American Descent

Hispanic and Latino is not a race

Hispanic and Latino is not a race any race can be Hispanic or Latino. The US had change the original meaning of Hispanic and Latino to group people easily on their racial and ethnic group system for more details on their past and current meaning or other details click here.

So how can you determine which select box is right for you?

People who descended from non-Caribbean lands from Mexico to the majority of countries going south towards Argentina are most of the time Mestizo (European and mix Amerindian) to find out which countries and for more info click here.

People who descended from the Caribbean Lands Most of the time they are Usually African and European mix or Tri-Racial (African and European and Amerindian mix).

Which countries are consider Latin American countries

Any country in the Americas that speaks and has adopted a language that derived from Latin for Example Spanish, French, Portuguese, etc…

Why are there different races of the same nationality for Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican etc… in different sections?

Like it was said earlier any one can be Hispanic or Latino and any race can be of any nationality just how the US has Black, White, Asian etc… groups but they are still consider Americans. It’s the same all over Latin American

countries they also have different groups of people as well it’s just the media always focus on the majority ethnic group of that Latin American country or some Latin American countries sadly try to hide some ethnic groups that exist in those countries away from the media for example the Black Mexicans and some Latin American countries don't have a ethnic, race system.

Here are more examples For people of Brazilian descent